Definitions and references for this newsletter's core concepts.
The sum of every explanation. Weighted heavily towards future explanations. Measured in bits, but only relative to your audience's expectations.
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The degree to which two things tend to be explained together. Sometimes it makes things simpler, and sometimes it doesn't.
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The core task of software development. When we try to understand software, we explain to our software. When we change software, we explain it others.
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explanatory power
The degree to which one text, explained first, makes another text less surprising.
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plural loci (LOW-sigh)
The vertex in a structure which has explanatory power for all the others. It is where our explanation naturally begins, and often ends. As an example, consider how often the name of something — a class, a function, a value — suffices in an explanation. And even when it doesn't, we still reference it by name.
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An external text that shapes how our text is understood. In software development, the text is our code, and the paratext is everything else: the conversations, the diagrams, the READMEs, and so on.
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An Ancient Greek word that meant both remedy and poison. Typically used to describe something that is only beneficial when paired with expertise. Most heuristics for software design are pharmakons; they are only applicable in certain situations, but don't explain what those situations are.
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The things that your audience already knows. Provides explanatory power for the content of your explanation.
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An undirected graph, where the vertices are concepts and the edges are relationships. Usually, each vertex contains its own substructure. At lower levels, each structure corresponds to a contiguous chunk of code. Since each vertex is shaped and constrained by its neighbors, a structure is an amplifier: by explaining one vertex, we begin to explain the others.
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Everything you anticipate explaining in the future. What your current explanation is seeking to simplify.
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Also known as entropy. We prefer this term because it emphasizes that the information content of a message is always relative to the recipient's expectations.
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tacit knowledge
Something that we know, but struggle to articulate. Usually learned through repetition.
See also:
- the anatomy of an explanation
- The Tacit Dimension by Michael Polanyi